Tuesday, 31 October 2023


This months posts from October 2023 will be the last.

This blog was started in April 2012 and after over 10 years, it's time to call it a day.
Since starting this blog, a lot of the music has been re-issued, re-mastered and is now available again, making a lot of these posts redundant. The advent of streaming services means my own self made compilations can also be easily put together.
The blog will stay up, it just won't be updated. The links will stay as long as they can. Apologies to everyone who can't access the links.
Thanks to everyone that read this blog, I hope you found something you liked.


antony j said...

Thanks for all your imagination and generosity - your comps are treasured possessions in my library. Good luck!

Mooz said...

Thank you very much for everything you've shared. I've really enjoyed all the compilations you made such as Esoterica Britannica, In the Lost Queen's Eyes, and Lammas Night Laments. I appreciate your effort and helping expose some artists that deserve more attention. Wishing you all the best.

Michael said...

Thanks for the great music - much appreciated! Peace!

Markku N. said...

And I only just found the blog. Thank you for everything.

Anonymous said...

Thank you - I not only enjoyed the many hard-to-find recordings of artists I already loved such as Basho but also enjoyed listening to artists that were new to me. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Checked you out regularly. Thanks for all the Spacemen 3/Sonic Boom and some great things that were new to me.

Unknown said...

Sad to see you go. I loved all the Basho stuff and nearly everything if I'm honest. All the best.

el borbah said...

Gracias primo, has tenido mucha generosidad y has ampliado mi horizonte musical. Qué tengas suerte en la vida y éxitos ~ ~ ~

kontroller said...

Many thanks for everything, particularly the mixtapes and compilations.

You will be missed!

JS said...

There have been some great discoveries here - thanks for the surprises :)

Babinga said...

Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the fantatsic music over the years. Take care everyone.

Anonymous said...

Thx for the tunes.

Anonymous said...

Farewell and thank you.
It's been a fabulous journey.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. As others have said, I came here first for the Robbie Basho recordings (many of which are still out of print) and stayed with you, hearing many new artists introduced by your uploads.

My favorite memory that you gave me was the post on "Vampiros Lesbos" - I showed it to my friends, they thought it was a funny gag until they played it and realized it was a funky bop.

So long, and thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your posts over the years.
I will miss checking in on this blog

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ste.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great music - esp the compilations.

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you saludos from Argentina. Thanks for the music!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Sintra blogue said...

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to see this comment as I need to tell you how much I appreciate your blog. I only discovered you shortly before you decided to call it a day (my loss) and am currently listening to your Halloween 2010 compilation. I've downloaded each and every one of the compilations you've shared and am working my way through them slowly.
You have an uncanny knack for curating compilations and I have really enjoyed listening to them - thank you so much. Your contributions to my musical education are appreciated and I so wish you'd carry on but that's just me being greedy.
All the best for the future and best wishes from Glasgow UK.


Otis t said...

thanks for a few uncommon relics.

kelly said...

Damn I miss this blog. Learned so much